Friday, May 6, 2011

the fundamental transformation planar transistor structures

CNET science and technology on May 6 commentary from LiuKeLi) (article/more than 50 years ago silicon transistors, semiconductor integrated circuit invented since, 3-d structure in batch production, first transistor is this 2011 Intel May 4, 2008 at headquarters is located in Santa Clara, California announced today the significant breakthrough. This marked the future of 3D technology, using CPU power consumption will reduce half. Called three screens Gate) Tri - (revolutionary 3-d transistors design (Intel was first reported in 2002), and in batch production by the end of the Bridge r&d code that Ivy 22 nano Intel chip.
Actually, Intel CEO in 2003 to visit China Barrett in answer reporters about Moore's law without considering the growth of power consumption, is revealed about 3 dimension door technology development situation, in 2008 reporters to the headquarters have interview also ask related progresses Barrett, get a "3-5 years to realize", released today after eight years of the paragraph 3 - D three grid transistor from 2 - D represents the fundamental transformation planar transistor structures.

Using the current transistor all semiconductor integrated circuit are 2D, namely semiconductor crystals just born in plane inside, and 3D transistor grows in three dimensions, not only, and can reduce integration improve more than 50% of the leakage current, so that, in theory all semiconductor chip can reduce half the power consumption in the future.

Intel and CEO for Mr Otellini (Otellini) said: "Intel's scientists and engineers by using 3-d structure, and once again, the transistor revolution realize the Moore's law. As we push into new areas, 3-d structure will help us make astounding and can change the world equipment."

And the 32nm plane transistor before, compared to 3-d three 22 nano in lower voltage grid transistor performance improves 37% and requires consumption less than half the power, can achieve and the 32nm chip 2-d planar transistor the same performance.


Transistor ten milestone

1, 1947, December 16 WilliamShockley, John Bardeen, Walter Brattain and uncovered at bell LABS successfully developed a transistor.

2, 1950: William Shockley developed bipolar junction of transistor, mbt shoes usa is now popular standard transistor.

In October 3.1954 first 18: TR1 transistor radios Regency listed, this kind of radio inside contain only four germanium transistors.

3, 1961 April 25: Robert Noyes get first integrated circuit patent. First transistor radio and telephone speaking about is enough, but newer electronic equipment specification more small transistors - integrated circuit.

4, 1965: Moore's law was born - Gordon Moore in the electronic magazine article published prediction: the number of transistors on a chip future doubling approximately every year for 10 years, fixed (doubling every two years. Three years later, Moore and Noyes created Intel, English name is "the Intel integrated electronic (abbreviation of done electronics)".

5, 1969: Intel uncovered a successful development of silicon transistor technology grid fact. These transistors continue to use traditional silica (SiO2) gate medium, but introduced a new poly gate electrode.

6, 1971: Intel introduced the first microprocessor - 4004. 4004 specifications for 1/8 "x 1/16 inches, including 2,250 a transistor, using Intel 10 micron PMOS technology in 2 inches wafer production.

7, 1985: Intel 386 microprocessor containing 275,000 had a transistor, published 4004 transistors, is the number of initial more than 100 times. 386 32 bits chip, has many tasks to handle ability, can also run multiple programs.MBT Shuguli First is the use of 1.5 microns CMOS technology manufacturing.

8, 2002 August 13: Intel released 90 nanometres processing techniques, including some technological breakthrough high performance, low power consumption, high silicon transistor, the strain copper fittings and new low - k medium materials. This is the first time in production process using strain silicon.

9, in September 2007: Intel announced the transistor materials using breakthrough - high - k metal grid. Intel will use these materials in next generation processor, Intel company KuRui 2 dual-core, Intel KuRui 2 four processors and Intel hypercore processor to strong series of hundreds of millions of 45 nanometer transistor used to construct insulation "wall" and switch "door", r&d, code-named Penryn.

10, 2011 May 3 - Intel announced batch production of a kind of brand-new transistor design. Three screens in various computing devices transistor (from server to in desktops, from a laptop to a handheld device) to implement the performance and unprecedented energy efficiency.

22 nano exactly how to small and strong

The earliest in 1947 by bell LABS is very large, the development of transistors that usable hand assembled directly. The contrast with the needle on is, a can accommodate more than 1 million 22 nano three grid transistors.MBT Fanaka This paper an English festival symbols more than 600 million on can accommodate three grid transistors. 22 nano

22 nano three grid transistor gate is very small, a human hair width can accommodate more than 4000 grid. GuoGuo one common in accordance with the development of transistor speed house sustained narrow, it has little to you only through a microscope to see it. Want to see with the naked eye 22 nanometres transistors, you must put a chip amplification is greater than the house. In 1971 with Intel microprocessor 4004 launched first, compared the running speed of 22 nano CPU increased more than 4,000 times the energy consumption, and each transistor reduced the 5,000 times. The price of each transistor reduced to the original 1/50000.

A 22 nano transistor can be in 1 seconds switch 1000 million times. One switch so many times lights, almost needs spend 2000 years.

It is one thing to design three grid transistors in batch production, is another. Intel's factories producing more than 50 million every second, every year 150,000,000,000,000,000 a transistor is. This equates to all the world men, women and children have more than 2000 million transistors.

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