Saturday, October 13, 2012

irresponsible students do not

Leizhou enterprises water secondary school classroom iceberg.
Southern Rural News reported July 6: May 20, 2010, at four o'clock, Zhanjiang Leizhou enterprises in Guangdong Province, Lishui Town, enterprises water secondary schools.
hot sun hung in the air, sinister sun sprinkling the ground, overgrown playground, threw up a wave of heat, roasted people thirsty. Occasionally, a gust of wind blowing sand from the surface diffuse from flapping in the human body, the danger of distracted.
However, the hot sun, hot air and sand, are unable to suppress the students during school hours unbridled enthusiasm for playing. Hordes of students on campus, shade, wandering. The classroom, on the podium, the teacher in lectures; podium, the students were playing cards. Plump mouse blatantly ran the school, such as unhindered.
many pupils
teacher suffered boxing Rain .
In fact, the number of students should not be so little. Enterprises the water secondary school students each year 900 people, but only to the first two days of more than 600. To a third, less than 500 people. Many children can not wait until he completed the nine-year compulsory education, drop out of school to work, or go to other schools.
Enterprise Water Middle School has a class of two key classes in each grade and a second-class key classes, in addition to the nine classes are still capable of normal teaching, the remaining classes classroom discipline almost paralyzed.
class time, students in playing poker as a food market classroom, listening to music, playing phone, girls and boys downtown into a ball, is the order of the day. A teacher puts the students in the class when using headphones to listen music scene: a row of four or five UGGs Adirondack Tall Boots Sale, a headphone cable hung thick playing bottle, like a patient in the hospital. tired of some students in the classroom, solicitation with small groups, go out the door from the front of the teacher. Once a teacher is furious, snatched up a stone from the ground to an out of the classroom, students being climbing walls threw stones rubbing the boy's feet flew over UGGs Hat and Scarf Set Sale.
Sometimes, some teachers will do efforts UGGs Butte. Face rebuke of the teacher in the classroom probably be quiet for five minutes, and soon all restored.
last year, the day of the fourth class, a class of several boys want to leave the classroom, The school teachers Duzaimenkou let out, and students shouting match up. Immediately, the boys fist rained body falls highwaymen teacher.
Today, whenever recalled the encounter, the teacher's eyes were red Nike Air Max Skyline Shoes Sale.
and when teaching ceilings nobody when students upstairs down throw desks and chairs. Standing corporate water secondary teaching ceiling looked up, no window glass. Students
So more teachers choose silence.
former school proud
now ashamed to mention
enterprises water Secondary School was also several towns near the best schools. The late 1980s, early 1990s, Leizhou students each year 200 people over 10 can be admitted to the school. The Enterprise Water School to become a near parents to send their kids to school a good choice. The mid-1990s, the school's annual enrollment soared to nearly 1,000 people from more than 400 people. With the increase in the number of students, the school management increasingly difficult,
dereliction of school management has accelerated the decline of the prices of water secondary school quality. 2003, the teachers found Rector teaching indifferent schools have little to previous years, teachers have time to get the subsidies disappeared.
2005, secondary schools replace principals of corporate water. The teachers are owed subsidies have reached three or four thousand dollars per person.
the arrival of the new president does not make the situation much changed. Teachers say, before the school money to help teachers develop teaching magazine, but now the Department of a teaching magazine. Some people joked that enterprises water secondary teaching hardware If you want to test English listening, students must take a half-hour cars, ran to a nearby school. Since the school computer room computer hard drives were stolen two years ago, two a week computer class and students,
recent years, the school's test scores hovering within the in Leizhou countdown three. One teacher complained to the Southern rural newspaper reporter: 900-1300 yuan per month, however the wages of young enterprises water secondary teachers. Performance pay reform gave many teachers hope that no one thousand seven hundred dollars. But after the reform, each teacher's monthly income increased by only $ 30. Subsidy arrears have not been able to come back.
the current status of the school, as a school of long, Zhai Teng also has his own reasons: multi-million school funding to be so nervous.
, remoteness, underdeveloped, because wages lead to teacher emotions. The
the teachers and students became estranged
love can melt the ice
from not only years of ambitious young people, to the wasted years of the middle-aged man, a middle school teacher in the prices of water seems to rapidly aging.
have him before class will prepare lessons seriously ready to talk about exercises; interactive classroom and students, to help them get to know each knowledge point; even the name of each student and hobbies he also crystal clear.
he now, in their own words, young sprout children, teachers mood to impart knowledge to the students to make mistakes, to solve the problem on the use of violence and verbal abuse.
Their view, an irresponsible students do not respect the teachers are not entitled to the dignity of work.
Liang is an exception. The 28-year-old in 2006 to enter the corporate water secondary language teacher, became a minority of one of the several student relationship teachers.
the mere mention of Liang, enterprises water high school kids snapping fingers with the people talk about him a bunch of benefits - teaching serious and responsible, respect for students, non-discriminatory eugenics and poor health, when a friend, and the other teachers did not like. Slightly disobedient Liang burst reprimanded, students will immediately instill obedience.
monthly wages of only 1,000 yuan, dwelling in a small room of 10 square meters, Liang has never been because of low income, change their work attitude, and his pay has been paid - Each to his birthday or Teacher's Day, students blessings SMS and gifts will pour.
■ division said the raw language
class is scripted, the class was gone, and every student is a stranger. the exuberant young teachers now start with the / p>
- students seems irresponsible students do not respect the teachers is not entitled to the dignity of to
first addition to the adults to respect, I also put them just does not exist. Management lesions
old saying: However, many recent examples are the walls of the campus, the dignity of the division is experiencing the most serious challenges since the ten years of turmoil since - on the one hand is uneasy Students who frequent the fist waving to the teacher, on the other hand worships money thought increasingly poor
which is more like a pressure chain. The students of So retrospective, the parties can find to justify the reasons for the lost
by closing and merging school resource integration to promote the education equalization ideas to the school in terms of scale, enterprises water secondary school, although there are still exist, but there are also reasons to be danger. For the governance of such schools, in addition to through the external blood transfusions to help get rid of the debt burden, the internal revenue allocation mechanism of reform schools make it better reflect the role of front-line teachers, may be a good breakthrough.
the test results has been announced in most parts of the province, see also grad. Hopefully the backward rural schools in the corner will not become a hurdle to promote the equal rights of urban and rural education. (Source: Southern Rural News) 

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